Benefits of DisCert Certificate
To show Social Responsability for disability
DisCert Certificate is the only european certificate that validates a Social Responsible Company for Disability by third party, according with International Certification Standards.
To verify that your organization complies with legislation
Every country has its own legislation:
- Disabled persons and mandatory quota
- On-Line Accessibility
- Accessibility to buildings and facilities
- Other aspects
To validate your efforts
Company’s efforts and actions sometimes are not strategically aligned with objectives.
DisCert Certificate will help you to check and validate policies and actions.
To manage all actions and policies
Manage is required to improve any action.
DisCert Certificate will help you to improve your strategy on Social Responsibility and SDGs.
To improve your image
Within your own organization: employees and managers are proud to work in a socially responsible company.
And outside your organization: your costumers, public administration and other companies will look at you.
To improve your services
For those social organizations, entities, NGOs working with disabled people have the opportunity to help your clients to recognize their effort and collaboration. Become a DISCERT AMBASSADOR.